At any rate, while sometimes being part of humanity feels a bit soul-crushing, there are moments where I feel hope for the future.
A 15 year old won an award in a science competition. This by itself is rather bland. You figure that most high schools have science fairs. But, no - he won the award, because he developed a test which detects pancreatic cancer in its early stages. And is better and cheaper than any test currently made by the scientific community.
The extra cookie. You earned it. |
I really, really hope some 15 year old girls are throwing themselves at him in the name of scientific discovery. 15 year old girls, you should do that.
I think back to what I was doing at 15 and am staggered by the sheer amount of awesome in this story.
Humanity, my faith in you has been redeemed. I can't promise that this will last longer than the time it takes to write this, so enjoy it.